Sunday, October 23, 2011

Alyssa Marie Sadler - Part 1

On 10/21 at 10:21 am, Alyssa Marie Sadler joined the world and the Sadler family! Ryan and Aaron are very excited to have a little sister. Alyssa was 7 pounds 8 ounces, and 20 inches long. I will leave it up to Kim to fill in more details, but it was the quickest delivery of the 3. There was one moment of panic when Kim was ready to push, and the only person in the room was me! I told her later that if there ever was a time to panic, that was it! Anyway, the purpose of this post is to put up adorable pictures taken in the hospital, so here we go:

Alyssa at about 5 minutes of age....she was just weighed and is about to be measured. First one that didn't come out with blonde hair!

Alyssa with one of the many "It's a girl!" bubble gum cigars that Daddy had to hand out.

Alyssa with her eyes wide open, checking out Mommy! Alyssa was very alert after being born.

Mommy and Daddy's first picture with our little girl!

Leaving the delivery room.

Grandma and Papa Clement

Ryan giving Alyssa a hug while Ryan and Grandma Sadler look on.

Even Papa Sadler held the little one!

Alyssa with a present, a fluffy basketball!

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Marv

Our first picture as a family of five!

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