Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ryan Paul is FOUR today!

Today is Ryan's fourth birthday! He has been very excited today to celebrate his birthday. He started the day by going to preschool and taking a special treat of chocolate chip cookies....he even ate some! (Ryan doesn't typically like sweets or candy and usually will not eat snack at school). Then we went to McDonalds for lunch and ate inside! Then we went to the doctor to see how big he is getting! He weighs 47 1/2 lbs and is 42 1/2 inches tall! Needless to say the doctor is not worried about his growth! After an afternoon of flying a kite (yes...flying a kite in Ohio in December...not normal!), and putting up Christmas decorations, we went out to eat wherever he wanted. Of all the places suggested, he wanted to go to XRAY (Xcaret-a mexican restaurant) to eat chips! Grandma and Grandpa Clement joined us for the celebration and Ryan got to talk on the phone to Aunt Jill and Grandma Sadler who were excited to tell him Happy Birthday!

For his birthday party, we celebrated at Ryan's Grandma/Grandpa Sadlers last Sunday. We had Thanksgiving dinner and then swiched it over to a birthday party! He received a ton of awesome gifts and had a beautiful cake made by his Uncle Marv. The only problem with the evening is that Ry wouldn't eat any cake! I seriously do not know how I gave birth to him :) Anyway, thank you everyone for the presents, cards, and birthday wishes! We appreciate them all and are so blessed to have Ryan in our lives! He has grown into such a loving little boy that makes us very proud! We love you Ryan and are so glad you be your mommy and daddy!

Here are a few pictures from the birthday party!

Ryan with is Baloo Cake! Great job Uncle Marv!

Waiting to blow out the candles while we sing Happy Birthday! (the small cake to the right is his daddy's cake)

Blowing out his candles all by himself! Way to go Ryan!

A John Deere sweatshirt! Uncle Brian will be so proud! Thanks Grandma Sadler!
An Indians Ball and bat...hopefully he'll learn to hit better then the current Indians!

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