Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer mornings

As a teacher, I get the chance to stay home w/ the boys during the summer. With Mommy working part-time; they sometimes get us both, and they still go to their baby-sitter once a week.

Our normal routine starts whenever the boys (including me!) wake up - which can be anywhere from 7 to 9. Ryan has a milk and either O's (cherrio's) or a pop-tart. I feed Aaron his cereal, and Ryan helps entertain Aaron during his breathing treatment by rocking out with his "cool face".

Ryan's "cool face"

After the boys change clothes - we go on our walk around the neighborhood. Our subdivision is a mile out of town, so there are no sidewalks and we have to walk on the street. Ryan HAS to push Aaron in his stroller - that is not even up for debate. He does a pretty good job, we just have to remind him to stay closer to the grass and watch out for cars. Ryan likes to count the garage doors (and say if they are down or up) as we pass - and sometimes will even count in Spanish. (thanks Dora or Diego!) Ryan does have some friends that we will stop and play with if they are outside. Our neighborhood is not that big - but it usually takes a half hour to walk the whole thing.

After our walk - Ryan wants to ride his Big Wheel in the driveway. We park Aaron in his stoller and I get on my bike. I chase Ryan in a circle around the driveway, lapping Aaron each time.

Then we go to the backyard for Aaron's favorite - the swing! Aaron will cackle laughing on his swing. Ryan does a good job pushing Aaron on his swing, and plays on the swing and slide too. On some days we'll play Cornhole or Whiffleball, but usually Ryan's had enough and wants to go inside and get a drink.

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