Sunday, July 12, 2009

Potty Training Update

We tried a potty training boot camp w/ Ryan a couple weeks ago with no success. Turns out, back to back days at the baby sitter might have done the trick! Ryan went to his baby-sitter Jill on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Jill has just recently potty-trained her two boys, Reese and Brady. She asked Kim to drop off some big-boy underwear and she would try to work w/ Ryan on his potty training. He only went once each day there, but it got the ball rolling.

As of Sunday night, Ryan hasn't had a pee-pee accident since Thursday. He either tells us when the "pee-pee is coming" or he'll just leave the room w/o saying anything and go! We are still using a pull-up at night, and we've had non-pee-pee accidents, but we are happy that Ryan has turned a real corner into becoming a Big Boy!

Kim has started to give Ryan and Aaron baths at the same time - here is a non-incremenating pic!

Here Ryan is playing baseball on our new Nintendo Wii. He's got a ways to go, but Aaron was just cackling with laughter watching him. Also, Ryan gets pretty excited when he finally hits one!