Ok, so it's almost a month late, but wanted to let you know that at his 6 month check-up, Aaron weighed 19 lbs and was 27 inches long (75th percentile for both) and his head is in the 30th percentile. He is sitting up very well on his own and is starting to babble a lot! Since his check-up he has started eating all kinds of baby food including cereal (he wouldn't eat it before!) and is saying bababababa all the time. I don't think it is in regards to his bottle though! Most recently he had an ear infection and was put on breathing treatments...hoping that with the nice weather he will come out of being sick all the time (or what seems all the time). I have a feeling we won't be out of the woods though until his teeth come in! He is working on the bottom two at the moment. I'm not sure how long they will take to come in, but it won't be soon enough!
Grandma and Aaron haning out at home!
Close up of Aaron at the family reunion
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