Friday, January 16, 2009

2 month check-up

Aaron had his two month check-up this week which also included his first series of shots! We actually just got those today because we have to get them at the health department! Anyway, he did really well besides turning bright red and me telling him to breathe (like he knows what I'm saying, but it made me feel better!) He recovered very quickly and is currently in a good mood!

At his visit on Tues., he weighed 13 lbs even and was 23 inches long. This translates into the 75th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. I have to be honest and say I'm a little disappointed that he's not bigger since Ryan was such a big boy all along! I guess this is just the first of the many differences I will find between my boys!

Anyway, we have started him on juice to try and help with his constipation issues. So far no changes, but it's only been a few days! They said he has really dry skin (probably eczema) which is apparently a Sadler trait! Aveeno baby lotion has helped tremendously, and baby oil has helped with his battle with cradle cap! So besides looking a little greasy sometimes, he is starting to look like himself again!

Aaron right after his bath showing off this crazy hair! Also Ryan was nice enough to share "Buuni" with his baby brother!

Hanging out on Mama's lap!

Paul thinks Aaron is starting to look like Ryan did at this age! Here is Aaron above...

Here is Ryan...I'm not so sure! By the way, I just looked up Ryan's information and at 2 months he weighed 14 lbs 14 oz and was 25 inches tall! I'm very surprised!

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