Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treat was really fun for Ryan this year. He actually kinda had the concept of what it was all about. He got to dress up as Spongebob and go around our subdivision with some other kids. He was fun to watch as he ran after the other kids from house to house. Even when the other kids quit, Ryan and his daddy hit up the rest of the houses! Whenever anyone asks him if he dressed up as Spongebob for Halloween, he just yells CANDY!!! Fortunately, he doesn't even like candy (except for suckers, which no one handed out) so there is a lot of chocolate for mommy and daddy to eat! This may make mom end up gaining as much weight w/ this baby as she did for Ryan...and she was doing sooo well!

Per Paul's request, we did take pictures of my belly and you will see them here. Please no comments about the ugly stretch marks! Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and we will try to post a video at a later date of the trick or treat!

Ry in his costume...we had a hard time convincing him not to take his Spongebob w/ him :)

Ry and daddy just before they left!

Mommy and baby?

Mommy following orders to show my "real" belly

Ry giving his baby brother a kiss

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