We had Ryan's first ever parent teacher conference. The teacher was very impressed with Ryan as they are pretty sure that Ryan can read the other children's names. They even had him read each child's easter egg and then hand the egg to the kid! They said he was correct almost every time! His ability to count also amazes us! Ryan is able to count to 100 forwards and backwards and does a pretty good job of counting by 10's. This child also LOVES to tell time. He is continously asking us what time we are doing what and then tells us when we are late! He does better with digital time, but is always trying to figure out the regular clocks as well! We are in shock and wonder what else this child will amaze us with!
One area that Ryan DOES NOT LIKE TO DO is color! The teacher has told us numerous times that we need to work on fine motor skills with him such as coloring, writing, and cutting. Of the three he absolutely hates to color! Here is one day in which we told him he had to color for 30 minutes before he could go play wii.