Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Aaron and Ryan at Play

Random pictures and videos:

Honey's 95th Birthday

Sunday we celebrated Honey's 95th birthday started with a celebration at Honey's church. They presented her with a quilt during mass, then had a special cake and punch celebration afterwards. After re-loading the kids, we then headed to one of Honey's favorites - the Landeck Tavern so that she could have some of their famous chicken.
Aaron at church w/ Papa Sadler!

Ryan's first day of Pre-school

Ryan started pre-school last week. He was pretty excited when he got to the school, but when it came time for Mom and Dad to leave, he was a little upset. Turned out that he was fine after we left and had a great day! Here is a video of Ryan going to pre-school for the first time! At the end, Ryan recognizes a girl that goes to his baby-sitter...and yes, he does hide behind Mommy when he sees her!